Wes Edwards has been appointed to the Standards Australia committee responsible for the Australian and New Zealand 2890 Parking facilities series of standards.

Wes was nominated as a technical expert by Engineering New Zealand, with the appointment approved by Standards New Zealand.
The 2890 series of standards includes:
Part 1: Off-street car parking
The current version of this standard is AS/NZS 2890.1:2004. This standard is the (only) Acceptable Solution for vehicle access and parking for the New Zealand Building Code and is widely used across Australasia.
The standard is currently being updated and Wes is serving as a member of the Working Group contributing to the update in addition to his committee role.
Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities
The current version of this standard is AS 2890.2:2018. While the Australian heavy vehicle fleet tends to have longer dimensions than the New Zealand heavy vehicle fleet, this standard is a very useful reference for the design of heavy vehicle facilities, and is recommended as a design reference by the NZ Building Code.
Part 3: Bicycle parking
The current version of this standard is AS 2890.3:2015 and the document provides excellent material for the provision of bicycle parking facilities.
Part 5: On-street parking
The current version of this standard is AS 2890.5:2020 and the standard covers the design of on-street parking spaces.
Part 6: Off-street parking for people with disabilities
This former joint New Zealand and Australian standard has recently been updated to AS 2890.6:2022. While the standard no longer contains material specific to the New Zealand context it remains the best design reference for accessible parking spaces for New Zealand.