Mark Gibb
Senior Development Manager
McConnell Property 2012
“I have utilised the consulting services of Wes Edwards for the last seven (7) years on a number of significant development projects within the Auckland region. Wes has always provided exceptional service, often taking an outcomes based approach to problem solving which has enabled our business to constantly achieve better results for road users, pedestrians and communities within our developments.”

Chris Draper
Richstream Consulting 2005
“Wes is one of the most remarkable consultants I have worked with. He is able to combine a creative approach to problem solving, while retaining a sense of what is important – both from a high level, and important details.”

Mike Smith
Harrison Grierson Consultants
“Wes is the guy I call when I have a specialist question about traffic matters. I’ve worked with Wes regularly since 2004 and have found him to be a knowledgeable and diligent engineer and highly recommend him to others. He gives quality advice and can be relied on to provide the deliverables when he says he will.”

Greg Kenward
Director and Chief Financial Officer
TransTasman Properties NZ 2011
“The work Wes has performed for TTP has been of the highest quality and we would not hesitate to recommend him.”
Mark Towers
Senior Development Engineer
Papakura District Council 2013
“Wes is the “go to” guy when you have a specialist question about traffic matters. I’ve worked with Wes regularly in both private and public sectors since 2004 and have found him to approachable and to be a knowledgeable traffic engineer. I would be more than happy to recommend Wes to others.”