Draft AS/NZS 2890.1 Released for Comment

Standards New Zealand is calling for submissions on the update of AS/NZS 2890.1.

The AS/NZS 2890 Parking Facilities series of standards includes Part 1 – Off-street car parking. The current 2004 edition is referenced by several regulatory documents and guidelines, most notably as the New Zealand Building Code Acceptable Standard for vehicle access.

What’s Different?

The new draft standard has several changes from the 2004 version including:

  • A larger B99 design vehicle as the result of research into the dimensions of the light vehicle fleets in New Zealand and Australia;
  • Consequential changes to some dimensions such as the length of parking spaces (now 5.6m instead of 5.4m) and the width of access ramps on curves;
  • Changes to the way User Classes are defined;
  • Updating and expanding the sight distance requirements including for faster-moving users of paths (eg scooters and cyclists);
  • New material on mechanical parking including stackers and turntables;
  • Expanded material on enclosed parking spaces such as garages;
  • Amended dimensions for motorcycle parking;
  • Removal of some New-Zealand specific exceptions including:
    • removing the NZ-specific small-car space dimensions (now the same as the Australian small-car space);
    • allowing lines between parking spaces to be marked 5m long (now 5.6m as for Australia);
  • Updates to references including the NZ TCD Manual;
  • Reorganisation of some sections including consolidating the requirements relating to gradients.
  • Numerous other minor changes including new and modified definitions, .

All submissions on the Draft must go through the Standards New Zealand portal. Submissions close on 22 November 2024 and are open only to New Zealand organisations or individuals (Australian consultation has been completed).

Wes Edwards, a member of the Standards Australia committee responsible for the AS/NZS 2890 series of standards, is able to conduct a webinar or presentation about the proposed Draft Standard.
