Portrait of Wes Edwards

About Wes Edwards

Wes Edwards is the Director of Arrive.

He has over 39 years of engineering experience with over 32 of those years specialising in traffic engineering and transport planning.

Wes is an Engineering New Zealand Fellow (FEngNZ), an honour awarded by Engineering New Zealand | Te Ao Rangahaurecognising highly experienced professionals who have made a huge impact on engineering in New Zealand”.

He is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), and an International Professional Engineer | APEC Engineer (IntPE(NZ)). “A Chartered Professional Engineer is an experienced engineer who has been assessed as meeting a quality mark of competence. It shows the engineer can deal with complex engineering problems requiring expert technical knowledge. They must be reassessed at least every six years to maintain their CPEng status”.

Wes is a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand (CMEngNZ), the professional body for engineers in New Zealand whose members commit to a code of ethical conduct and to ongoing continuing professional development. He is also a Member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) (MITE), a global community of transportation professionals.

Wes has completed the Ministry for the Environment | Manatū Mō Te Taiao  Making Good Decisions programme for Resource Consent Commissioners (accreditation expired)is a certified KiwiRail Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessor, and was previously a certified New Zealand Transport Agency | Waka Kotahi Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM) Site Traffic Management Supervisor (L2/3 STMS NP) (certification expired).

Wes is a member of the Standards Australia committee responsible for the six-part AS/NZS 2890 Parking facilities series of standards, including Part 1 – Off-street carparking, (AS/NZS 2890.1:2004) which is the only Acceptable Solution for the vehicle-related aspects of the New Zealand Building Code.

Wes serves as a mentor to emerging professional engineers through the Engineering New Zealand Mentor : : Me programme, and when he is not working or volunteering, Wes is usually found spending time with his wife and their adult children, or making things in his workshop.